Chilli Chicken - Appetite Treats

Chilli Chicken

11:43 PM


1/2 kg Boneless chicken
1 large egg
2 tbsp corn flour
1 tsp soy sauce
1 tsp chili powder
1/2 tsp cumin powder
1/4 tsp garam masala
1 large onion , thinly sliced
2 green chillies , sliced
1 tbsp ginger , finely chopped
1 tbsp lemon juice
1/4 tsp red food color
1 tsp ajinomoto
salt to taste


Beat the egg , add in cornflour,soy sauce,chillipowder,cumin powder,garammasala,ajinomoto,
salt,lemon juice ,food color and mix together to form a good marinade.
Add in the chicken , coat well in the marinade . let it stand in the refrigerator for 1 hour.
Heat oil in pan , add in the chicken pieces few at a time , do not overload. cook for 5-10 minutes till the chicken is lightly golden and crisp.Drain the oil and keep aside.
Heat oil in a different pan, add in green chillies, onions, ginger, garlic , saute till onions turn
brown and soft.add the fried chicken to the onion mixture and stir all together.
Garnish with fresh coriander and serve.

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  1. I tried it. The taste was good. thanks.

  2. Hey Mithiri, Thanks much !
    you are the first one to comment on my blog.

  3. I tried it. The taste was good. thanks.

  4. Hey Mithiri, Thanks much !
    you are the first one to comment on my blog.



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